I got to be a baby model for the day. I had so much fun!
My parents would love to share a photo with you. Just send an email to my mommy, letting her know which photos you'd like (the letter of the alphabet above the photo) and which size (3x5, 4x6, 5x7, 8x10) and the photos will arrive at your home!
A - I'm a fairy princess
B - I'm snuggly
C - Ruffles are fun!
D - Hello there
E - Ready for take-off
F - Miss Zibby Do, a southern belle
G - Okay, who put the tomato hat on me?
H - have you seen my doggy?
I - It's fun to hold on to things
J - So much to see
K - That's funny
L - Hmm, I appear to be in a basket
M - Apples are yummy
N - Me and my daddy
O - Me and my mommy
P - My purple baseball cap!
Q - Big smile!
R - I chose this jacket with kitty ears!
S - I wonder what's over there