Wednesday 3 February 2010

The Day I Was Born!

Introducing Miss Isabella Essick
born at St George's Hospital in London, England
on 31 January 2010 at 1:28am
9 pounds 11 ounces, 22.5 inches

Waiting for Isabella to Arrive
Isabella took her time in arriving.  She really enjoyed her time in mommy's belly and was quite happy to stay a bit longer.  She was due on Friday, 15 January and each day, we waited for her to come.  Every day her mommy would go on long walks, hoping that would get Isabella ready to go.  Then her mommy tried stairs, lots and lots of them (the security guard at Centre Court Shopping Centre was quite confused why the heavily pregnant lady was spending so much time on the stairs when a perfectly fine elevator was right there).

Things Started to Happen
Finally on Wednesday, 27 January, my water broke.  But Isabella still wasn't so keen on coming out yet.  On Friday, 29 January we went into the hospital to help induce Isabella to come out, but after 36 hours, that had no effect!

She Arrives
Finally, in the wee hours of Sunday, 31 January Isabella was born by c-section.  When the doctor pulled her out, his first remark was that she looked a bit grumpy at being pulled out!  But finally she had arrived - very healthy, alert and strong!

meeting my mommy

our first family photo

hello, world!


Isabella and mom stayed in the hospital for three days recuperating.  They got to enjoy the NHS experience of having 3 other women and their babies in the same room - not much sleep happening at night!  During the day, dad came and hung out with his ladies and honed his diaper changing skills.

later, my mommy and I were tired

and it ends up that we sleep in a similar way!

oof, what a workout!

waiting for mommy to get ready to leave the hospital,
my daddy took some lovely photos of me

Video: and here's a video of me -
I appear to be asking for no more paparazzi, please!

(to view, click on arrow in center of image below)

Leaving the Hospital
On Tuesday, 2 February, Isabella got to leave the hospital and go home for the first time.  Since it was cold out (it had even snowed the day before), her parents had a snuggly outfit for her.  (There appears enough room for her to grow into the outfit!!)


  1. This is incredibly adorable - photos, writing stye, everything about it!
    -Sara Bock

  2. Happy Birthday to your Mommy Isabella! I know you are her greatest gift!


    Great Auntie Elene
