Friday 15 October 2010

Uncle Ry Ry

My Uncle Ry Ry came and visited me.

We had loads of fun together.  In the morning I would wake him up with my wake-up bells.  What I would do is go right next to his head and then shake my hand bells vigorously.  When he would wake up, I would keep ringing the bells because I knew how much he liked hearing me play them.

Here are some of my favorite photos from my uncle's visit.

getting to know uncle ry ry
uncle ry ry enjoying tea and a small snack
hello there

helping to rearrange my uncle's face
uncle ry ry even helped my mommy
clean up after I ate
(I'm a creative eater)
here we are on a bus adventure
enjoying the nice english weather
(that's me behind the rain cover on the stroller)
having a sweatshirt string snack
at the pub
daddy and uncle ry ry
my daddy and uncle ryan looking very manly
with the stroller and diaper bag
fun times at an indian restaurant
brothers telling stories
and laughing
talking about how uncle ry ry
bought a traditional shaving set that day
(and met a very snooty sales lady)
here's the shaving set

me in my red coat,
ready to hit the town
me trying to nonchalantly grab
uncle ry ry's watch
(I just want to chew on it a little bit)
the brothers tired of getting their photo taken
uncle ry ry's last morning with us,
I'm very sad
"oh, I'll see you soon at Christmas?"
then I'm happy again!
See you soon, Uncle Ry Ry!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Patty n Matt; Carol sent me the link, loved all the pictures of Zibby, Ryan, and you, Matt...and one of Patty (Matt was to busy drinking a beer)...the boys look so happy, sharing a beer n enjoying some food....I hope all is well with you guys, Zibby is growing up so fast...take mj
